

Exercise 1 Solution

Exercise 1


. sysuse lifeexp
(Life expectancy, 1998)


. sysuse sandstone, clear
(Subsea elevation of Lamont sandstone in an area of Ohio)


. clear

. sysuse sandstone
(Subsea elevation of Lamont sandstone in an area of Ohio)


If the working directory isn’t convenient, change it using the dialogue box. Then, save sandstone.

Exercise 2 Solution

Exercise 2


. webuse census9, clear
(1980 Census data by state)

2: Data is from the 1980 census, which we can see by the label (visible in describe, simple). We’ve got two identifiers of state, death rate, population, median age and census region.

3: Since there data has 50 rows, it’s a good guess there are no missing sates.

4: Looking at describe, we see that the two state identifiers are strings, the rest numeric.

5: compress. Nothing saved! Because Stata already did it before posting it!

Exercise 3 Solution

Exercise 3


. webuse census9, clear
(1980 Census data by state)

. save mycensus9, replace
file mycensus9.dta saved

The replace option is added in case I run it twice.


. rename drate deathrate

. label variable deathrate "Death rate per 10,000"


. tab region

     Census |
     region |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         NE |          9       18.00       18.00
    N Cntrl |         12       24.00       42.00
      South |         16       32.00       74.00
       West |         13       26.00      100.00
      Total |         50      100.00

. label list cenreg
           1 NE
           2 N Cntrl
           3 South
           4 West

. label define region_label 1 "Northeast" 2 "North Central" 3 "South" 4 "West"

. label values region region_label

. label drop cenreg

. label list
           1 Northeast
           2 North Central
           3 South
           4 West

. tab region

Census region |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
    Northeast |          9       18.00       18.00
North Central |         12       24.00       42.00
        South |         16       32.00       74.00
         West |         13       26.00      100.00
        Total |         50      100.00


. save, replace
file mycensus9.dta saved

Exercise 4 Solution

Exercise 4

. use mycensus9, clear
(1980 Census data by state)

1: Use summarize and codebook to take a look at the mean/max/min. No errors detected.


. codebook, compact

Variable   Obs Unique     Mean     Min       Max  Label
state       50     50        .       .         .  State
state2      50     50        .       .         .  Two-letter state abbreviation
deathrate   50     30     84.3      40       107  Death rate per 10,000
pop         50     50  4518149  401851  2.37e+07  Population
medage      50     37    29.54    24.2      34.7  Median age
region      50      4     2.66       1         4  Census region

deathrate and medage both have less than 50 unique values. This is due to both being heavily rounded. If we saw more precision, there would be more unique entires.


. codebook, problems

Potential problems in dataset mycensus9.dta

               Potential problem   Variables
string vars with embedded blanks   state

This just flags spaces () in the data. Not a real problem!

Exercise 5 Solution

Exercise 5

. use mycensus9, clear
(1980 Census data by state)


. generate deathperc = deathrate/10000

. label variable deathperc "Percentage of population deceeased in 1980"

. list death* in 1/5

     | deathr~e   deathp~c |
  1. |       91      .0091 |
  2. |       40       .004 |
  3. |       78      .0078 |
  4. |       99      .0099 |
  5. |       79      .0079 |


. generate agecat = 1 if medage < .

. replace agecat = 2 if medage > 26.2 & medage <= 30.1
(30 real changes made)

. replace agecat = 3 if medage > 30.1 & medage <= 32.8
(17 real changes made)

. replace agecat = 4 if medage > 32.8
(1 real change made)

. label define agecat_label 1 "Significantly below national average" ///
>                           2 "Below national average" ///
>                           3 "Above national average" ///
>                           4 "Significantly above national average"

. label values agecat agecat_label

. tab agecat, mi

                              agecat |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
Significantly below national average |          2        4.00        4.00
              Below national average |         30       60.00       64.00
              Above national average |         17       34.00       98.00
Significantly above national average |          1        2.00      100.00
                               Total |         50      100.00

We have no missing data (seen with summarize and codebook in the previous exercise) but it’s good practice to check for them anyways.


. bysort agecat: summarize deathrate

-> agecat = Significantly below national average

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   deathrate |          2        47.5     10.6066         40         55

-> agecat = Below national average

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   deathrate |         30    81.76667    9.761583         50         94

-> agecat = Above national average

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   deathrate |         17    91.76471    8.422659         73        104

-> agecat = Significantly above national average

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   deathrate |          1         107           .        107        107

We see that the groups with the higher median age tend to have higher deathrates.


. preserve

. gsort -deathrate

. list state deathrate in 1

     | state     deathr~e |
  1. | Florida        107 |

. gsort +deathrate

. list state deathrate in 1

     | state    deathr~e |
  1. | Alaska         40 |

. gsort -medage

. list state medage in 1

     | state     medage |
  1. | Florida    34.70 |

. gsort +medage

. list state medage in 1

     | state   medage |
  1. | Utah     24.20 |

. restore


. encode state2, gen(statecodes)

. codebook statecodes

statecodes                                        Two-letter state abbreviation

                  Type: Numeric (long)
                 Label: statecodes

                 Range: [1,50]                        Units: 1
         Unique values: 50                        Missing .: 0/50

              Examples: 10    GA
                        20    MD
                        30    NH
                        40    SC